Sunday, December 24, 2017
In a way, the New STAR WARS Makes Perfect Sense Given the Change in Ownership from George Lucas to Disney. Force reflects real power.
Richard Spencer in the video above complains about how the New STAR WARS doesn't respect or conform to the original vision created by George Lucas. And many others have lodged similar complaints. Across the political spectrum, many are not pleased with the new series and especially the new movie because it deviates from the original vision that they grew up with. Many adult audience members spent their formative yrs watching the original series, the first three released from 1977 to 1983 and the second trilogy from 1999 to 2005. So, they have a fixed idea of what STAR WARS universe and the Force are about. Therefore, when confronted with the revisions and narrative-thematic purging of the New Series, they are bewildered and even exasperated by Disney's lack of 'respect' for Lucas' original vision. (But do they ever ask why Lucas still deserves respect when he sold his baby to Disney for billions of shekels?)
Now, the complainers have a point. The new series may well indeed violate the core principles of Lucas' original vision. It may go against the spirit of the original incarnation under Lucas' command. But they are overlooking certain key facts about the Way of Power in culture. What goes for Power goes for the Force. The Force in STAR WARS is whatever those with the possession of copyright say it is. The Force was what it was as long as Lucas had control over it. But with Jews at Disney now owning STAR WARS, the Force is whatever THEY make it out to be. It's as Carl Schmitt said of the nature of law and power. No law exists outside the reality of power. Basic laws are vaguely worded, and it is the Power that decides the meaning and force of those words. So, when Jews gained control of US culture and jurisprudence, the Constitution came to mean Open Borders, Diversity, Anti-White Hatred, and 'Gay Marriage'. Americanism and Constitutionalism were always shaped and determined by the Power. After all, what is Free Speech? Jews once used to say Free Speech means all speech, from far right to far left, should be free.Back then, Jews feared censorship of Jewish radicalism and pornography(big profits for Jews) by traditional Christian power. But once Jews gained supreme power in the US, they came to fear Free Speech as criticism of Jewish Power. Therefore, Jews redefined Free Speech as excluding 'hate speech'. Since Jewish Power controls the meaning of 'hate speech', Zionist speech(that demeans Palestinians) is not 'hate speech', but BDS speech that calls for justice for Palestinians must be criminalized as 'hate'. The Power decides what is 'hate', and that means Jewish elites with supreme power in the US get to denounce and suppress certain speech as 'hateful'.
What goes for Reality goes for Fantasy. The rules of fantasy will always be controlled by those with power over the fantasy. So, it doesn't matter what Lucas did with the original STAR WARS. It doesn't matter how the Force was manifested in the first six movies. The fact is the power of the Force has gone over to Jews at Disney, and that means Jews will alter the Force to suit their agendas and biases. It's simple as that. So, when Richard Spencer and others talk of STAR WARS as a universe existing independent of copyright ownership and moneyed control, they are being naive. They are presuming that there really is a Core Canonical Principles of the STAR WARS and the dynamics of the Force. No, such was all make-believe and can easily be altered based on whomever is now in control.
Spencer has emphasized over and over how it's foolish to believe in Constitutionalism as a principle independent of power. He has castigated the so-called True Conservatives who claim to stand for abstract American Values of Liberty and Individualism. His point is that American Constitutionalism will always be determined by those with real power. The Constitution can be molded to mean just about anything. At one time, it even justified slavery and the ethnic cleansing of American Indians. And the 'internment' of the Japanese. And censorship of obscene material offensive to Christians. The Constitution allowed all such censorship and restrictions in the past because the White Christian Majority could will the Constitution to support and defend certain values and interests. But once Jews gained control of the Constitution, the US came to be all about ISRAEL FIRST, favoring Zionists over all other peoples(esp the Palestinians), Open Borders Immigration to turn whites into a minority, and etc. The Constitution now serves the interests of Jewish-Zionist-Supremacism. And since Jews have chosen Homomania as the proxy agent of Jewish Globlaism, the Worship of Homos and Trannies has become the new christianity or Queertianity. The Christian Church is like the Constitution. In the end, it will be what those in power say it's about. The Power decides and molds & twists the presumed core principles to its will.
If Spencer is so perceptive about the relation between Power and Laws, why is he so naive and earnest in his assessment of the new STAR WARS movie? He seems baffled as to why the new series violated and betrayed what STAR WARS is really supposed to be about. But his idea of 'real Star Wars' only applies to the franchise that was owned by Lucas. As long as Lucas had power over his baby, he could do as he pleased. But when he sold the Force to Disney, Jews had the power over the Force, and they could bend it to serve their own biases and agendas. It's like if you give your kid up for adoption, the adoptive parents can do whatever they want to with it. Jews can adopt a non-Jew and raise it as a Jew. And of course, the new STAR WARS reflects this reality. What are the agendas of Jewish globalists? It is white feminism. Jews use feminism or man-hate to drive a wedge between white men and white women. By thus setting white women against white men, white race is weakened, and it is easier for Jews to maintain control over white goyim. Jews also push race-mixing to destroy racial and ethnic identities. A people with confused identities are less likely to unite and rise up against the ruling elites. It is also a way to demoralize white males and destroy their pride. By especially promoting interracism between black males and white females, Jews send a message that black males are superior studs while white males are either dorky cucks or wussy homos. And the new STAR WARS is geared to turning its white heroine into a race-mixer. We see this all around in TV commercials, TV shows, and movies. Jews want to make the next James Bond black. Jews want to put the black male on the pedestal as the top alpha male who deserves to take white women. As for white males, they are either old farts who should die or dorky cucks who should delight in their own defeat and humiliation.
Jews also push for massive 'immigration' to increase Diversity. Why do Jews do this? Jewish elites fear a homogeneous population that might unite against Jewish power. So, Jews seek to increase Diversity and set various goyim against one another. That way, the goyim won't be able to unite as one people against Jewish elites. And of course, the new STAR WARS is all about Diversity, a weapon of Jews against native populations of any nation. Meanwhile, virtually all the villains are white, especially white males.
In the end, the Power decides the meaning of anything. This was true of how Christianity got started. It developed as a branch or heresy of Judaism. Jews denounced Christianity as a violation of the true meaning of God in the Torah and Jewish tradition. How dare these gentiles take something from Jews and change the meanings to make God serve gentiles than Jews? According to the original spirit of the Torah, God cannot be manifest in human form. And God's Covenant is with Jews, not with all of humanity. But Christianity had Jesus as Son of God, a human figure walking among mankind. And Christianity said the new covenant is with all of humanity. In the end, it didn't matter how much Jews protested. The fact is when the idea of God passed over to Christian and later Muslim gentiles, they changed or twisted the principles to serve their own interests and agendas. Jewish concept of God was limited only to spaces in which Jews had the power. In gentile spaces where Christians and Muslims had control over the idea of God, His meaning and design could be altered, even drastically, to serve interests inimical to Jews.
So, what happened to STAR WARS isn't much different from what happened to the concept of the Jewish God once its ownership passed over to gentiles. Via Christian conversion, many gentiles became believers in God, and this belief gave them ownership of the meaning of God. And in their self-interest, they altered and violated many principles so dear to Jews who had once held sole ownership of their God.
Likewise, STAR WARS owned by Lucas and beloved by so many people had canonical value only as long as its ownership remained with those who remained loyal to the original vision. But once the ownership changed hands, the New Masters were bound to make the franchise serve their own biases and interests.
This happens with every newspaper or magazine. It doesn't matter what its original masthead declaration of principles was. The new owners will bend the purpose to their own will. This is why The New Republic changed drastically when it was taken over by Neocons under the tutelage of Martin Peretz. And then, once ownership changed once more, it turned into just some homo-globalist hipster rag. Or consider Huffington Post. Despite its name, Ariana Huffington has nothing to do with the new incarnation, and it's changed considerably from what it had been under her control.
If Alt Right has gained ownership of STARS WARS franchise, they would have made it serve its vision and interests. Richard Spencer as producer-director of STAR WARS would have made the Empire the good guys, and of course, many fans would have screamed Bloody Murder in protest. It's like Stanley Kubrick did his OWN thing with THE SHINING to the never-ending ire of Stephen King who felt Kubrick betrayed his core concept and meaning. But as King had sold movie rights to Kubrick, he was helpless to stop it.
Indeed, if there is such a thing as Alt Right STAR WARS fanfiction, the narratives likely serve the biases of White Nationalism. But since Jews of Disney own STAR WARS, the franchise is now used to further the Jewish Supremacist agenda of globalism.
Same thing happened with dialectical communism. The original theory by Karl Marx prophesied that conditions would worsen to the point where the working class would rise up to overthrow the bourgeoisie. Since the Proletariat was essential to this revolution, only an industrialized nation with a majority prole population could undergo the great tranformation. But when Lenin and Stalin took control of the theory, it was altered so that even a backward semi-industrial nation like Russia could have a communist revolution. Spontaneous uprising by the working class was no longer necessary. A radical vanguard with the support of secret police apparatus could pull it off. Later, Mao altered the meaning of Marxism even more by arguing that a communist revolution could happen with a peasant army. So, despite the original canonical meaning of Marxist theory, in the real world of actual practice, Marxism could be molded to be anything by the powers-that-be. If Maoism said Marxism could prevail in an agricultural society, that was the official lore of the land.And later, when reformers took control of China, communism could mean market economics. So, even as the Chinese Communist Party maintained the symbolism of Mao, the Red Flag, and revolutionary pageantry, the New Way was about buying-and-selling, trade with capitalist powers, and getting rich. Indeed, consider how Che Guevara became linked with capitalist pop culture and hedonism even though he hated Rock music, hippies, and materialism.
So, if we apply Carl-Schmitt-ian analysis to the new STAR WARS, no one should be surprised that the new owners of the Force changed the meaning to suit their ethno-socio-economic purposes. No school of laws, no work of culture, and no set of principles exist in some pure form in a vacuum. They always exist in a world of people with competing interests and agendas. Indeed, even among Christians, different sects disagree on the meaning of Jesus. In many denominations today, homomaniacs have taken over and insist that the faith is about worshiping homos and trannies. And warmongering patriots believe that Christianity is about the flag and guns. So, expecting the STAR WARS universe to remain pristine or resist heretical ideas is wishful thinking. STAR WARS will be whatever those with ownership of it make it to be.
It's like the Hagia Sophia Mosque in Istanbul. It was originally built as a Christian Cathedral, but Muslims altered the meaning. At one time, Ottoman Turks even altered the Parthenon to serve as a place of prayer for Muslims. But then, Christians had done the same to Pagan Temples. While Christians destroyed some pagan temples, they altered some to serve Jesus than the pagan gods. If we see STAR WARS as a kind of pop mythology or fanboy church, its core meaning will change to the tune of whoever has control over it. Consider the evolution of the Parthenon depending on who held power over Athens.
Another complaint oft-heard from the detractors of the new series is that the nature of the Force has change considerably from the original series. They object to how the Force has become so easy with the young heroine. And Spencer wonders how someone with such humble background could have the Force. But, they are forgetting that George Lucas himself kept changing the nature of the Force. In PHANTOM MENACE, he altered the Force from some mysterious essence to something that can be medically detected in blood. And for those who have problems with the young heroine's humble background in the new series, the old series would have us believe that some slave woman could give a miracle virgin birth to some kid who, at the tender age of 7, can win a hyper-drive chariot race and man spaceships and blow up seasoned enemy pilots. So, if a 7 yr old squirt can do all that, is it really so strange to see a young heroine do 'badass' things?
Also, if a female slave non-entity(in PHANTOM MENACE) could give a miracle birth to some kid with the Force, why is it so surprising that the heroine in the new series could have super-Force despite being born to humble parents? Besides, if the 20th century taught us anything, it was that those from the humblest backgrounds could become giants of history: Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc.
As for the heroine's ease with mastering the Force, we need to understand that pop culture reflects the times. When Lucas made STAR WARS, power was still institutionalized. One had to go through the proper institutions/channels or gain access to big industries to be somebody. To be an influential journalist, one had to gain position at CBS or New York Times. To be an influential thinker, one had to have a position at Harvard or be promoted by top publishing companies and the media. To be a famous cultural celebrity, one had to be hired by TV, Hollywood, radio, or music industry. Even though there were alternative venues and underground artists, it was a tough climb to gain any kind of success, at least immediately. And Lucas struggled in this world. For him to gain access to film technology, he had to work hard and long and make the climb. To gain the Force, one had to go through the institutions controlled by high priests.
But we now live in the internet age. Even a young person in a small town now has access to more news and information than New York Times did in the pre-internet age. When Lucas grew up, it was difficult to see foreign films. Only college towns and big cities showed them, and one had to wait long time to see certain movies. It was nearly impossible for anyone to see something when he wanted.
Today, even someone living in the boonies can watch all sorts of movies from all parts of the world on the internet. Even a kid has more access to World Cinema than top film scholars did prior to the internet age.
Also, even kids carry around smartphones that serve not only as phones but as internet screens, cameras, recording devices, and etc. It's like their light sabers.
Thus, the Force has gone from institutional to individual in our world. Before the internet, someone like PewDiePie and Stefan Molyneux didn't have a chance at celebrity-hood. Institutions would not have given them the platform to express their views or pull their antics. But internet has been the great equalizer. Anyone can reach the world from inside their bedrooms. Some of these 'amateurs' have more fans and viewership than mainstream media do.
So, the revision of the Force in the new series could very well reflect social change. Young people with interesting ideas, music, opinions, personalities, or shtick no longer have to make the Long March through the Institutions to say their say, gain a fanbase, develop a cult, and even become fabulously rich. Even demented Andrew Anglin has gained legendary anti-hero status because of the internet. Even with the attempts to shut down Daily Stormer, Anglin still has enough Troll Force to mess with the Narrative.
Alt Right should know this since its rise owes so much to the internet, the great equalizer that has made it possible for oddballs like Mark Dice and Styxhexenhammer666 to get huge followings. This is why Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and Google-Search are working in tandem with ADL to rig the game and ban certain voices deemed 'hateful', but the nature of the internet favors individuals over institutions. It has democratized the Force, for good or for ill.
So, given all these changes and developments in society, is it any wonder that the nature of the Force has changed in the new series? Whereas Luke had to go through the institutions to gain his power, Rey doesn't. The Force has been digitalized and democratized.
Internet and gadgets like smartphones have empowered individuals in ways that were unforeseeable when Lucas conceived STAR WARS. Just consider how the rise of high-tech allowed young ones to become overnight moguls and billionaires. Prior to the internet, could someone like Mark Zuckerberg become so rich so fast?
Now, I'm not saying LAST JEDI is a good movie. I haven't seen it. I did see FORCE AWAKENS, and it was terrible. But, we should not be surprised that Force will change along with the change in ownership and will reflect social transformations all around us. In the end, most pop culture, even when set in the distant past or fantasy world, are more reflections of prevailing fashions and trends of the moment than works of purity remaining faithful to a set of core principles inside a bubble.
Internet made even this young woman a celebrity and a known factor in culture:
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